by mmajdali | Oct 6, 2022 | Uncategorized
When most people think of getting a massage, they think of the relaxation component of massage therapy. But as deeply relaxing as a massage can be, that’s just one benefit. There are plenty of other pluses that most people aren’t aware of. Hasan Badday, MD, and our...
by mmajdali | Sep 14, 2022 | Uncategorized
Every year, millions of people are injured playing a sport, including adults and kids. The type of injury you sustain depends a lot on your sport. But there are some injuries that are so common they can affect just about any athlete. At Pacific Pain and...
by mmajdali | Aug 9, 2022 | Uncategorized
Most men know that testosterone plays a big role in their sexual health. They also know testosterone is responsible for many of the changes that happen during puberty. And for a lot of men, that’s about as far as their knowledge goes when it comes to this important...
by mmajdali | Jul 13, 2022 | blog
Medicines keep us healthy, and they also help us manage a lot of acute and chronic diseases. But as helpful as medications are, if they’re not used properly, they can also be very dangerous. Medication management helps prevent many problems associated with...
by mmajdali | Jun 1, 2022 | Uncategorized
Disc problems are a relatively common source of spine pain, especially in your neck and lower back, the two most mobile areas of your spine. While disc issues can happen at any age, they’re most common during middle age, and they also tend to occur more...