Signs That You May Have Low Testosterone

Mar 2, 2022

Low testosterone is a common problem for millions of men, and it becomes more common with age. In fact, research shows that about 40% of men aged 45 and older suffer from low testosterone (also called low T) and may not even know it.

That’s because most people think testosterone only plays a role in sex and sexual characteristics. But actually, this key hormone plays an important role in lots of functions and aspects of male health.

At Pacific Pain and Regenerative MedicineHasan Badday, MD, offers tailored, cutting-edge treatments for low testosterone in men in Los Angeles and Irvine, California. Of course, the first step in getting care is knowing the symptoms of low testosterone. Here are eight of the most common signs you should know about.

1. Low libido

Since testosterone plays such an instrumental role in sex, it’s not surprising that a decrease in testosterone will also take a toll on your sex drive. Many men with low T find they have a decreased interest in sex — or sometimes no interest at all, a problem that can take a toll on your partner too.

2. Erection issues

Testosterone plays a role in your ability to achieve and maintain an erection. Low testosterone is a major contributor to erectile dysfunction (ED), and it can also decrease the amount of ejaculate.

3. Increase in body fat

Decreasing levels of testosterone can affect your metabolism — your body’s method of converting food to energy. Not only can that lead to weight gain, but it can also cause your body to store more fat, especially in your midsection.

4. Decreased muscle mass

When Popeye wants to pack on muscle, all he needs is a can of spinach. For “real life” men, it’s testosterone that supports muscle development. As your levels of this hormone decrease, you can lose muscle mass — and find it harder to build muscle.

5. Low energy

Occasional fatigue is common, especially following a really late night, a tough week at work, or extra physical activity. But if you find yourself feeling tired or worn out most of the time, it could be due to low T.

6. Mood changes

Testosterone doesn’t just affect you physically. It can affect you emotionally. Many men with low levels of testosterone find they’re prone to feelings of irritability or even depression.

7. Brain fog

Everybody gets a little more forgetful as they age. But if you find yourself forgetting things more often or having problems focusing, low levels of testosterone could be to blame. (Interestingly, brain fog is a symptom many women also encounter when estrogen levels decline.)

8. Anemia

Researchers recently found that men with low T are also more prone to anemia. Anemia means you have a lower-than-normal number of red blood cells, the cells that carry oxygen to every part of your body. Anemia can also lead to fatigue, brain fog, and moodiness. 

Treating low testosterone

Dr. Badday treats low T with testosterone therapy, a patient-centered treatment plan that helps you restore your testosterone levels and relieve low-T symptoms. 

Testosterone therapy focuses on supplementing natural testosterone using an array of methods, including shots, pellets, patches, and gels. Dr. Badday also suggests lifestyle changes that can help you feel your best at every age. 

If you’re dealing with the symptoms of low T, Dr. Badday and the team at Pacific Pain and Regenerative Medicine can help. To learn how, call our office nearest you or book an appointment online today.

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