Blog Articles

A Beginner’s Guide: Understanding Exosomes

A Beginner’s Guide: Understanding Exosomes

Using revolutionary exosome regenerative medicine, you can experience long-term relief from your pain without resorting to other, more invasive treatments. Learn more about exosomes and their role in treating chronic pain.

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10 Conditions That Respond Well to Infusion Therapy

10 Conditions That Respond Well to Infusion Therapy

Infusion or IV therapy is a convenient, safe, and effective form of pain management for many medical conditions. Discover ten conditions infusion therapy is highly effective against, and what the process of getting infusion therapy is like.

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Medication Management: Essential for Wellbeing

Medication Management: Essential for Wellbeing

Taking medication is one way to relieve chronic pain symptoms, but determining what medications you need, then managing them correctly, can be a challenging endeavor. Discover why medication management is important for treating your chronic pain.

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When to Consider Injection Therapy for Chronic Pain

When to Consider Injection Therapy for Chronic Pain

Injection therapy can help you manage the pain you’re experiencing and restore your quality of life. Keep reading to learn more about injection therapy and how to determine if it’s the right solution for your chronic pain.

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Enhancing Intimacy: The Role of Testosterone Therapy

Enhancing Intimacy: The Role of Testosterone Therapy

Some of the most frustrating symptoms of decreased testosterone levels can be diminished sexual performance and drive, which can make intimacy more challenging. Here’s how testosterone therapy can enhance intimacy in your relationship.

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Understanding Abdominal Pain: 5 Common Causes

Understanding Abdominal Pain: 5 Common Causes

With many parts of your body enclosed within your abdomen, it’s no wonder abdominal pain is a common complaint. Understand five of the most common causes of abdominal pain and what to do to find relief.

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Posture Matters — Tips for Keeping Your Spine Strong

Posture Matters — Tips for Keeping Your Spine Strong

Conditions like spinal stenosis or a bulging disc can cause excruciating back pain. Fortunately, it’s possible to relieve your pain by keeping your spine strong. Here’s what you need to know about improving your posture to strengthen your spine.

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Boost Your Joint Health with These 5 Exercises

Boost Your Joint Health with These 5 Exercises

Maintaining healthy joints is a crucial part of living an active and healthy lifestyle at any age. Keep reading to learn five kinds of exercises you should do regularly to keep your joints strong and promote joint health.

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Torn ACL? Here’s How to Handle Recovery

Torn ACL? Here’s How to Handle Recovery

While playing sports usually keeps us fit, being active in certain sports can also increase our risk of injuries, such as a torn ACL. Learn more about what a torn ACL is and the nonsurgical treatment options.

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Here’s How to Tell if You Have Low Testosterone

Here’s How to Tell if You Have Low Testosterone

Low testosterone can diminish your quality of life by reducing your energy levels, sexual performance and drive, and increasing your risk of heart conditions. Here are the signs of low testosterone to look for and how testosterone therapy can help.

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Initial Evaluation for Accident Injuries

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Arthritis and
Joint Pain

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Related Injuries

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Abdominal Pain

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Bulging Discs and Spinal Stenosis

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